Services ▸ Quantity Surveying

The Expedite Group is championed by career professionals.

With an understanding the group are yet to be involved with a project with an unlimited budget, associated costs typically presents as a major considerations when defining project outcomes.

Matching benchmark requirements with pre-defined objectives is often part of the mission statement Quantity Surveyors (QS) live by. The Expedite Group is championed by career professionals with a wealth of experience that apply to project specific scenarios in the following areas:


Construction Cost Planning

Information is king and the sooner it comes to hand, the earlier an educated decision making process can be implement. Value engineering is an entrenched part of most project cycles however, if undertaken pre-emptively at key milestones, flow on cost implications can be minimized.

Tax Depreciation

Managing life cycles of key asset groups is instrumental in maintaining longevity of business certainty and cash flow. Tax Depreciation documentation can be provided to assist with necessary reporting processes.

Feasibility Reviews

The journey towards defining a required outcome begins a long time before documentation commences or site works begin. Depending on complexities, and feedback required, a feasibility could be as simple as a 30 minute high level review or as involved as a holistic Estate Master analysis.